Advocating for Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB) Coverage

Advocating for Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB) Coverage
By stella
18th Jan 2023

The Chicago Police Department (CPD) and the City Council are exploring alternative treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including Stella’s innovative treatment, the Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB), or, as some officers refer to it, the “God shot.” 

Chicago’s police force is facing a mental health crisis, with six officers dying from suicide in 2022. Not only does their job take a toll on their mental health, but the loss of partners to suicide leads to debilitating secondary trauma.

Secondary trauma, also known as vicarious trauma or compassion fatigue, is the emotional and psychological strain that can result from exposure to the traumatic experiences of others, either through direct interactions or indirect interactions. 

Stella’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Eugene Lipov, who has been a leader in the battle against post-traumatic stress for the last two decades, aims to reset the system to its pre-trauma state for those in need, first responders, veterans, and civilians.

Several CPD officers, including Commander Melinda Linas, have received it to combat trauma’s effects. Linas stated that the treatment “made me a better person, it made me a better mother, it made me a better wife, it made me a better police officer.”

However, though the FDA approves the SGB for use as a pain management treatment and local anesthetics like bupivacaine and ropivacaine, the SGB is not yet FDA-approved for the treatment of PTSD and costs $1,500-$2,000 per shot. The phrase “not FDA-approved” can raise questions, but as Stella Chief Psychologist Dr. Shauna Springer explains it on,

“SGB has been applied to symptoms of trauma in the same way that aspirin is used to reduce risk of heart attack. Aspirin is also “not FDA-approved” for use in this way – like SGB, it was also primarily developed to treat pain, but has shown clear promise.”

Aldermen advocated for the shot to be covered by officers’ health insurance, flex spending plans, or grants funded by the City Council. Despite the high cost and lack of formal approval, CPD officers who have received the treatment have reported significant improvements in their lives.

Biological interventions for mental health care, including the SGB and Ketamine Infusion Therapy, are currently not covered by insurance. Stella offers assessments and follow-up appointments that may be eligible for insurance reimbursement, although the actual amount reimbursed may vary based on insurance coverage and deductible.

To make treatment more affordable, Stella accepts payment through Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs), and major credit cards, as well as offering interest-free financing plans through CareCredit for up to six months to qualifying patients.

We are committed to providing the best care for individuals dealing with symptoms of post-traumatic stress, anxiety, and depression.

Our team of trauma-informed Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioners will conduct a thorough assessment of your symptoms and health history to create a personalized treatment plan. Our comprehensive care plans include innovative biological interventions like the Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB) and ketamine Infusion Therapy, as well as regular follow-ups over a six-month period to ensure that our patients achieve their desired outcomes. 

If you are interested in learning more about our services, please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our Care Advocates at 412-455-8813 to schedule an initial assessment.


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How Does the Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB) Work?

How Does the Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB) Work?
By stella
11th Jan 2023

Whether we’re browsing the internet for solutions or have successfully found one, we often still have many questions surrounding the type of treatment we’re pursuing up until the day of and sometimes even after the treatment has taken place. Generally, we know who will perform the treatment, how long it takes, and what we’re supposed to feel after. However, we may rarely dive deep into the science behind it or understand how, or why, it works.

Stella offers multiple treatment modalities for mental health care, including the minimally invasive stellate ganglion block (SGB) that has already helped thousands of people experiencing symptoms of mental health challenges and emotional trauma worldwide. 

As Stella continues to grow around the world, it’s important for us to give you easy access to the information you need to find a solution. 

What is SGB?

First, it’s essential to know about the stellate ganglion nerve. The stellate ganglion is a conglomerate of sympathetic nerves located on both sides of the neck. After experiencing a traumatic event or as a result of ongoing stressors, the brain’s fight-or-flight response turns on and sometimes stays on long after.

When the fight or flight response is turned on extensively, it can lead to extra nerve growth in the brain. This, in turn, leads to an increase in norepinephrine.

Norepinephrine: also called noradrenaline, is a substance that is released predominantly from the ends of sympathetic nerve fibers that acts to increase the force of skeletal muscle contraction and the rate and force of contraction of the heart. The actions of norepinephrine are vital to the fight-or-flight response, whereby the body prepares to react to or retreat from an acute threat.1

Norepinephrine has been demonstrated in patients with post traumatic stress, and leads to symptoms of post traumatic stress. Increases in norepinephrine leads to hypervigilance, anxiety, and other symptoms of post traumatic stress.

As you may notice, these biological responses are often associated with symptoms of post traumatic stress, depression and anxiety. We’ll discuss how SGB impacts the stellate ganglion nerve and norepinephrine next.

How Does SGB Work?

SGB is often used to relieve pain, and recently, new indications for SGB have become known. These include hot flashes during menopause and others, including the latest, the treatment of post traumatic stress.  

SGB is a guided anesthetic injection performed for the purpose of anesthetizing the stellate ganglia. Treatment begins with a double injection on the right side of the neck, and further treatment may include the left side. The impact of a local anesthetic on the stellate ganglia is as follows:

  • Can provide relief in under 10 minutes.
  • Eliminates extra nerve growth of fight or flight nerves that occurred after the trauma which can lead to prolonged relief of symptoms of post traumatic stress.
  • Reduces norepinephrine which leads to the deactivation of the amygdala, the fear center. 

The anesthetic used in this treatment is ropivacaine or bupivacaine. Bupivacaine is a medication that has been approved by the FDA since 1972 for use as a local anesthetic and is leveraged within many common treatments, like epidurals during child birth.

The Mayo Clinic describes bupivacaine as a local anesthetic injection used to numb an area of the body during or after surgery or other procedures, childbirth, or dental work. They describe ropivaince as an injection that is used to cause numbness or loss of feeling before and during surgery or labor and delivery and used to relieve acute pain.

Advanced brain scans demonstrate that the amygdala is over activated in PTS. This reversal of this over-activation can be demonstrated using SGB by using advanced brain scanners. 

While more research still needs to be done, this may be why SGB can help relieve pain, is able to reduce symptoms of emotional trauma and mental health challenges, and reset your mind to its pre-trauma state. Essentially it reverses that culmination of events that led to the symptoms we’re experiencing.  

What is SGB for PTSD?

In the field of psychology, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is defined as a response to experiencing traumatic or stressful event(s) that creates feelings of horror or helplessness. Symptoms of PTSD can include irritation, anxiety, depression, flashbacks, loss of interest in things once enjoyed, etc. 

Since it was discovered that SGB can effectively and quickly reduce these symptoms of PTSD, the research into PTSD and the treatment modalities used to combat it have greatly expanded. Now, even brain imagery data suggests that changes from PTSD are visible, namely the nerve growth around the amygdala and that a simple injection of local anesthetic can reset the brain back to its pre-trauma state – showing some evidence that post-traumatic stress disorder is actually a treatable injury rather than a disorder.

SGB for PTSD isn’t always the first approach when looking for the right treatment. But since it started being used to treat PTSD, it boasts over an 80% success rate for individuals experiencing emotional trauma and mental health challenges. Those living with PTSD often say that the SGB treatment helped them feel calm again in their own bodies and helped their sleep, anxiety, and depression, among other symptoms.  

What is Stella’s approach?

Stella approaches PTSD as an injury, often referring to it as post-traumatic stress injury or PTSI. This helps destigmatize the term PTSD. Knowing PTSD is an injury and can be healed helps us find the solutions we need to heal, like SGB. 

Stella offers a modified SGB for PTSD called the Dual Sympathetic Reset (DSR). Using image-guided techniques, a highly trained Stella doctor injects a local anesthetic into two separate bundles of nerves found near the base of the neck.

While other SGB providers typically only do one injection into one nerve bundle, Stella performs a double block, which is why we call it a dual reset. When we add another ganglion – the superior cervical ganglia, the effects of treatment are significantly improved.  

Stella’s Dual Sympathetic Reset is two injections, either at C3 and C6 when using fluoroscopy or C4 and C6 when using ultrasound, which generally affects all the ganglia within the neck due to the close proximity. The entire process is completed in under 20 minutes. 

How To Learn More

Find you if you may be experiencing symptoms of depression, anxiety or post traumatic stress by taking Stella’s symptoms quiz.

You can also read up on this breakthrough treatment on the How SGB Works page or explore what happens after SGB treatment on the SGB: What To Expect & What’s To Come blog or dive into Stella’s most recent Retrospective study results:

You can even hear first hand experiences and personal testimonials directly from Stella’s patients on our YouTube channel, including the story of own Chief Medical Officer and SGB pioneer, Dr. Eugene Lipov.

Is SGB Right For You?

Call our Care Advocates at 1-412-455-8813 to schedule your initial consultation with a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. You’ll work together to determine if SGB is the next right step in your healing journey.  

Stellate Ganglion Block
sympathetic nerves
sympathetic nervous system
Post-Traumatic Stress
brain health
brain injury

Most Commonly Asked Questions about Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB)

Most Commonly Asked Questions about Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB)
By stella
12th Dec 2022

If you’ve experienced symptoms of emotional trauma and mental health challenges, you’ve most likely researched the different types of treatments available for relief, like talk therapy and medication – two of the most common types of treatment. So naturally, we gravitate toward these treatments as they are currently the most well-known and covered by most insurance companies. 

We may be skeptical at first when we encounter new types of innovative treatments. While a whole network of innovative and minimally invasive procedures can offer relief sometimes in an instant, they aren’t the first line of defense for treatment recommendations.

Innovative treatments like the Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB) have been around for decades, even centuries, but many are just finding out about it now. 

Stella’s Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB), known as the Dual Sympathetic Reset, has made waves in mental health care and has challenged the traditional care path model as a safe and efficient way to relieve symptoms like depression, anxiety, and PTSD. It can help relieve years, and even decades, of debilitating symptoms. As this life-saving treatment gains awareness, education is a crucial step in addressing the questions and concerns of those looking for the right care. 

This article covers the 15 most commonly asked questions about the Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB):

Is SGB proven to work?

At Stella, we believe in the transparency of treatment outcomes. While no medical procedure is guaranteed to work for everyone, the Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB) by Stella has helped thousands of patients find lasting relief from their trauma-related symptoms. 

The PTSD Checklist (PCL) is a self-report survey used to measure PTSD symptoms. According to the National Center for PTSD Guidance, a 10-point decrease in PCL score is a clinically significant improvement. In a study of 327 Stella patients who received SGB between December 2016 and February 2020, on average, over 83% reported a 28.9-point decrease in their PCL score. These Stella patients experienced a result that’s almost three times better than that of other treatments. 

How long do the positive effects of SGB last?

Over 83% of Stella patients experience lasting relief from their trauma symptoms after one dual injection.

The duration of the Stellate Ganglion Block’s (SGB’s) positive effects varies from patient to patient, lasting months or years. 

While the longevity of SGB’s effectiveness is still being researched, in a 2014 study, 70% of participants were clinical successes at a follow-up administered between 3 and 6 months after treatment.

Will SGB erase my memory or impair my survival instinct?

The Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB) does not erase your memory, but after treatment, you may find that your memory is clearer. 

SGB does not compromise your survival instinct because it does not “turn off” your fight-or-flight response. When your fight-or-flight response is stuck in an overactive state, your body is constantly experiencing a high level of stress which can be due to an imaginary threat. For example, it can feel like you’re being chased by an imaginary bear, for example. SGB does not take your ability to run away from the bear. Instead, it removes the imaginary bear. Should a real bear appear, you will still instinctually run away from it. 

How is SGB by Stella different from SGB from other providers?

Widely considered the pioneer of the Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB) for PTSD, Dr. Eugene Lipov, Stella’s Chief Medical Officer, is a Board Certified anesthesiologist and pain management physician. More than fifteen years ago, he initialed his SGB protocol that has the ability to “reset” the fight-or-flight response, returning it to its pre-trauma state.

SGB was originally developed as a single injection. 

After researching and testing many ways of administering SGB for PTSD treatment, Dr. Lipov found that two injections – known as the “Dual Sympathetic Reset” – yield the best results. The injections are given back to back. 

Each Stella doctor is Board Certified and is personally trained by Dr. Lipov in Stella’s proprietary SGB methodology. We also require that our doctors use image guidance for correct needle placement. 

 SGB by Stella 

The “Dual Sympathetic Reset”

Traditional SGB
ProviderBoard Certified medical doctor Naturopathic practitioner, CRNA, Board Certified medical doctor
Trained by Dr. Eugene Lipov?YesNo
Side of NeckRight. Left for right-sided non-responders. Right
Injection Site(s)C6 and C4 (or C3)C6
Sedation Local and Twilight Sedation (optional)Varies
Accessibility40+ Treatment Centers nationwideSingle clinic
Financing PlansProvided to those who qualify Typically unavailable

Has SGB been clinically studied?

Yes, there are numerous clinical studies about Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB).

This study explores the effectiveness of single and dual injection SGB. While both methods are effective, the study proposes that dual injection SGB – the same approach Stella uses – may be more effective than a single injection SGB in the treatment of PTSD. 

Mulvaney S. W., Curtis K. E., Ibrahim T. S. (2020) Comparison C6 Stellate Ganglion versus C6 and C4 Cervical Sympathetic Chain Blocks for Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Analysis of 147 Patients. J Neurol Disord Stroke 7(3): 1163.

This multisite, randomized clinical trial of SGB outcomes on PTSD symptoms, reports an improvement in the PTSD symptoms of active-duty service members after two SGB procedures. On average, the group treated with SGB experienced a 12.6-point decrease in their Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS-5) score, and the control group experienced a 6.1-point decrease in their CAPS-5 score. 

Olmsted, K. L. R., Bartoszek, M., Mulvaney, S., McLean, B., Turabi, A., Young, R., … & Walters, B. B. (2020). Effect of stellate ganglion block treatment on posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA psychiatry, 77(2), 130-138.

This review of recent and historical SGB literature finds evidence of substantial beneficial psychiatric effects that supports the use of SGB as a PTSD treatment that may provide positive results and reduce barriers to therapy, particularly among military populations.

Summers, M. R., & Nevin, R. L. (2017). Stellate ganglion block in the treatment of post‐traumatic stress disorder: A review of historical and recent literature. Pain Practice, 17(4), 546-553.

Co-authored by Dr. Eugene Lipov, Stella’s Chief Medical Officer, this study reviews the clinical evidence and neurobiology of SGB for PTSD treatment. 

Lipov, E., & Kelzenberg, B. (2012). Sympathetic system modulation to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): a review of clinical evidence and neurobiology. Journal of affective disorders, 142(1-3), 1-5.

How does SGB work with other types of treatments (like talk therapy)?

The Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB) can work well in combination with other treatments. After SGB, many Stella patients feel a new sense of calm that can accelerate the positive impact of existing therapies (e.g., talk therapy, EMDR, CBT, DBT, etc.). For example, patients may find that they can recall their past and discuss it with their mental health provider without feeling as though they’re reliving it. 

If you already have a mental health provider, we suggest that you continue working with them after SGB to further your healing. If you do not have a mental health care provider, Stella may be able to refer you to one.

What’s included with Treatment by Stella?

Treatment by Stella is a commitment to your recovery, from first contact to the moment you feel like yourself again. The Stella Standard of Care was created to meet your needs before, during, and after treatment. This is the new model of trauma treatment. 

Getting To Know You:

The first step is to speak with a licensed Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP). The PMHNP will conduct a bio-psycho-social assessment, including a review of your symptoms and health history. The PMHNP will create a custom treatment recommendation for you using this information.

Our PMHPs use validated measures to gauge your symptoms. These measures include the Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist (PCL-5) for symptoms of PTSD/ emotional trauma, the Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) for anxiety, the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) for depression, and the Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) for traumatic brain injury.

Curated Care:

Throughout the journey, you will work with a dedicated Patient Care Coordinator who will coordinate your care and help answer any questions along the way.

If receiving the Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB), the entire procedure takes less than 20 minutes, but please plan on being at the facility for one to two hours. The positive effects of SGB are often immediate.

If receiving ketamine, each treatment typically takes 45 minutes. Please plan on being at the facility for one to two hours. Most have relief from symptoms within hours of treatment.

Those on Care Plans will work with Stella’s PMHNPs over six months and receive an individualized treatment plan that combines biological and psychological interventions to provide the best outcomes possible.

Ongoing Support:

Following treatment, your PMHNP will call to review the procedure’s effectiveness and ask about any symptoms you may be experiencing. Each patient will also have a 30-minute follow-up to continue that review and discuss how to maximize the positive effects of treatment. PMHNPs are there to physically, mentally, and emotionally support a patient, as uniquely required, during this session.

Those on Care Plans will have additional follow-up sessions with Stella’s PMHNPs which include completing standard mental health assessments, determining whether additional treatment is warranted, and discussing trauma-informed, healing-related topics such as getting better sleep, approaching grief, or mindfulness techniques.

Stella is here for you

Fast and effective care for symptoms of emotional trauma and mental health challenges is at our front door, and we have already helped thousands of people in need. The more questions asked and the more information given can help lead innovative treatments like SGB and mental health companies like Stella into the lives of people in need. We’re dedicated to you and innovative treatments because the possibilities are endless. 

If you are interested in learning more, please contact our Care Advocate team directly by calling 1-412-455-8813.

post-traumatic stress disorder
what is sgb

What Is Recovery Mode?

What Is Recovery Mode?
By stella
02nd Nov 2022

After the 20-minute Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB) treatment, Adam’s life changed.

Adam, whose real name was changed for privacy reasons, suffered from mental health challenges for years created by consistent, repeated traumas throughout his life.

Finding the right treatment was a long journey, but SGB’s impact was quick.

“I no longer have continual pressure in my head, defensive in difficult conversations and arguments, impatient with people or situations, or have negative thoughts. It’s like a huge dark cloud was lifted from me.”

Treatments like SGB, talk therapy, electroconvulsive therapy, and prescription medications can lead to excellent results for people battling mental health challenges. Even though these treatments can bring rapid relief from trauma symptoms, they don’t mark the end of the road to recovery.

For many people, there’s still work to do after a major breakthrough. Continued mental health care after treatment allows us to live the most fulfilling life possible.

Life after treatment

Recovery mode refers to the changes someone notes in their mind and body after treatment. Recovery mode can include a surge of emotions, new thoughts and fresh perspectives, and physical differences.

Recovery mode is our mind and body’s way of laying out the best steps forward for a beneficial recovery.

Let’s explore how recovery mode presents itself, the immediate actions to take, and how to promote healing for years to come.

What to expect during a healing journey

Emotional releases

It’s common for people living with debilitating symptoms to suppress their emotions without realizing it. After they experience a successful treatment outcome, they’re likely to experience a flood of unfamiliar emotions.

These thoughts and feelings can be confusing and overwhelming. However, this is a normal reaction to many different treatments.

Emotional Acuity: The ability to recognize and correctly identify one’s own emotions, critical to navigating new thoughts and feelings.

To get in touch with these emotions and really explore them, we suggest asking the following questions:

  • Is it something I’ve felt before?
  • What words can I use to articulate this?
  • Am I experiencing a single emotion or a combination of emotions?

Assessing and understanding emotions is the first step to navigating them.

Gaining new perspectives

Many people have a new perception of themselves during a healing journey or after successful treatment. This perception can impact daily life, employment, and/or relationships.

It can take time to fully allow your emotions to shift into what feels like healthy ‘new normals.’

Make sure to validate the truth behind what is being experienced, like when you experience happiness or sadness, it’s not wrong to feel that way. Don’t try to change or recreate the truth. Instead, remember that perceptions, feelings, and emotions come and go.

Physical changes

Mental health challenges can take a toll on the body. Unfortunately, we can get so used to feeling one way for years or decades before treatment that we often forget to check in on our physical well-being, like when the stress we hold in our muscles tenses up and leads to pain and soreness.

Whether or not our body is having a good or bad day, take the time to check in and do a full body scan. Ask questions about our posture, take deep breaths, and think about the best way to get our mind and body through the day.

Though these life adjustments may seem minor, checking in on ourselves is a habit worth forming. Helping our bodies and minds adjust to the relief from symptoms can normalize these new experiences and create new baselines for our mental and physical health.

Take steps toward continued care

Regardless of what one’s healing journey looks like, it’s important to remember that no one has to go it alone.

Regardless of whether someone has a support system of friends, family, and/or colleagues, mental health care providers are always willing to help. Here are five key steps:

Talk to a mental health care provider

A typical step in a healing journey is working with mental health professionals like psychologists, counselors, clinicians, therapists, clinical social workers, psychiatrists, or psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners.

Once the right fit is found, these professionals can help us better understand the thoughts, feelings, and actions we may experience while feeling the impact of symptoms. They also teach how to adjust thought processes, give the right resources, and recognize the best paths on a healing journey.

Awareness around stressors

Stress can exacerbate mental health challenges. For example, it can heighten symptoms like anxiety and depression and hinder one’s ability to get a good night’s sleep. It can also lead to physical pain, like headaches and muscle tightness.

According to The National Alliance on Mental Illness, “When experiencing long-term stress, your brain is exposed to increased hormone levels called cortisol. This exposure weakens your immune system, making it easier for you to get sick.”

Mindfulness habits and physical health

Exercise and eating well are good ways to reduce stress throughout the day. In return, these can promote better sleep and balance in the mind. Ask a doctor or nutritionist for healthy food suggestions.

Meditation has great benefits for ongoing care, especially during an emotional release. Meditation helps us gain new perspectives on our past experiences. It promotes a focus on the present and allows us to approach the day with a calm and collected mindset.

Assess old, new, and future habits and relationships

In creating a new normal, we may realize that certain situations, behaviors, and relationships are no longer healthy for us. In some cases, it is important to consider whether continuing to engage in them is helpful to our growth.

It can be hard to break away from activities or relationships that may have been part of our lives for a long time. But it can be a necessary step.

Try out old hobbies and explore new ones

Explore new hobbies or activities once enjoyed. For years, our minds may have tricked us and said that the activities we enjoyed weren’t as positive as we thought.

The truth is that joy and positive experiences are just as powerful and valuable as any other feeling. When we experience an emotional release of joy, follow the instinct, especially if it comes at a time of sadness. Like many emotions, sadness and joy can happen at the same time.

Revisiting old hobbies opens channels for escape, an exploration into our feelings, distraction, and a wellness reset. Hobbies can be somewhat therapeutic and can change our perception of ourselves, our loved ones, and those we interact with daily. Old or new, exploring passions and hobbies can help our recovery process.

Start your healing journey

Stella is here for you. We offer industry-leading biological interventions for symptoms of post-traumatic stress, anxiety, and depression.

Our care plans begin with an assessment by a trauma-informed Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner who will review an individual’s symptoms and health history to create a custom recommendation. Our wrap-around care plans include cutting-edge biological interventions – like SGB and/or Ketamine Infusion Therapy – plus regular follow-ups over a six-month period to ensure that our patients achieve their desired outcomes.

Call a Care Advocate at (908) 928-4086 to schedule an initial assessment.

mental health
recovery mode
Stellate Ganglion Block
emotional trauma

Analyzing Biometric Impact of Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB)

Analyzing Biometric Impact of Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB)
By stella
14th Oct 2022

A new study sponsored by the University of Queensland in partnership with Stella and WHOOP is currently accepting new applicants to be treated in Chicago.

This observational study will examine the psychological and physiological effects of the Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB) procedure and seek to measure to what extent the SGB treatment reduces trauma-related symptoms and improves overall biometric health outcomes.

“At WHOOP, we believe it is extremely important to remain on the cutting edge of treatments that may improve the lives of the millions currently struggling with trauma and mental health symptoms. Working with Stella to examine the impacts of their procedures represents another step in achieving our mission of optimizing human health and performance.”

Finn Fielding, WHOOP Unite Performance Science.

Tracking SGB Results Through Biometrics

Participants will wear a WHOOP wearable band for 8 weeks to calibrate and measure changes in physiological response to Stella’s SGB treatment protocol, called the Dual Sympathetic Reset. This protocol, developed by Dr. Eugene Lipov, involves two injections into a group of nerves on one side of the neck compared to many other providers who only do a single injection into one nerve bundle. 

The WHOOP band will continuously measure sleep quality, heart-rate variability, and resting heart-rate, among other biometric indicators. 

“At Stella, we know people sleep better after SGB, because they tell us. We will now be able to see this data through biometric indicators which are recognized in the medical community. This is a huge step forward in furthering science and showing the world that our innovative treatment changes lives.”

Rachel Mahoney, Vice President of Business Development

All participants will receive a free WHOOP strap and 6-month membership, and receive a $250 rebate from Stella on the cost of their treatment. Throughout the study, participants will be asked questions about their mental health and stress symptoms while the WHOOP strap monitors sleep and heart rate.

Why This Matters

Participants will be contributing to important research with the potential to expand the universe of access to SGB treatment for trauma/PTSD. 

“In addition to subjective mental health data, having access to highly accurate and reliable biometric data provided by WHOOP is crucial in identifying the effectiveness of treatments like SGB.”

Finn Fielding, WHOOP Unite Performance Science.

Studies like this help further evidence that integrates psychological outcomes and biometric health data to better understand the degree to which SGB treatment impacts sleep and trauma-related symptoms.

To find out if you qualify for the study, call us at 908-928-4086.

heart rate
Stellate Ganglion Block
whoop band

Preventing, Understanding and Discussing Death by Suicide

Preventing, Understanding and Discussing Death by Suicide
By stella
06th Sep 2022

Over the pasts few decades, awareness of suicide prevention in the United States has expanded. Independent volunteer prevention programs like the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, various counseling programs, and government programs on the local, state, and federal levels like the new 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline have all taken shape to help those in need. While these programs have saved countless lives, it is hard to know someone that hasn’t been affected by suicide whether it be family, friends or coworkers. A recent Stella employee survey revealed that just over 51 percent of it’s employees have lost a loved one to suicide. 

Though awareness surrounding suicide has become more prevalent, it is still a leading cause of death in the US. According to the Centers for Disease Control, “Suicide is a leading cause of death in the United States with 45,979 deaths in 2020.” Suicide rates saw an increase of 30 percent between the years 2000–2018. The rate decreased in the years 2019–2020 but still remains on the list of highest mortality rates in the country. 

Who is affected the most by suicide and suicide attempts?

While all different types of people are affected by suicide and suicide attempts, some groups are more at risk than others. According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, or SAMHSA, the groups most affected by suicide are: 

Middle-Aged People and Older Men

Upwards of 80 percent of all suicides in the U.S. are among middle-aged men and women, 45-54. Men 85 and older have the highest suicide rate in the country due to possible isolation, a history of violence, and more. 

American Indians

Young American Indian men face a greater risk of suicide and suicidal ideations due to isolation, historical trauma, poverty caused by systemic issues, cultural stress, and more. American Indian men in the Northern Plains seem to face the greatest risk. 

Alaskan Natives

Alaska currently holds one of the highest suicide rates in all fifty states. Young Alaskan men are especially at risk due to substance abuse and isolation. 

Two other very important groups affected by higher percentages of suicide listed by SAMHSA are veterans and members of the LGBTQ+ communities. 


According to the 2021 National Veteran Suicide Prevention Annual Report, over 6,000 veterans took their own lives in 2019. That’s around 14 percent of the 45,000 plus people that committed suicide that year. “Veterans ages 55-74 were the largest population subgroup,” the VA reported. “They accounted for 38.6% of Veteran suicide deaths in 2019.” Many veterans suffer from post-traumatic stress injury that can further lead to debilitating mental health conditions. 


The LGBTQ plus community faces an insurmountable challenge with homophobia, hatred, and acceptance from outside parties. This can lead to suicidal ideations and suicide attempts for those receiving the hatred. The CDC says, “Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men are at even greater risk for suicide attempts, especially before the age of 25.” LGBTQ plus youth have an even higher risk of suicidal ideations and attempts due to their unsafe environments. 

Suicide and trauma

Symptoms of trauma and post-traumatic stress injury can often run hand in hand with suicidal ideations or attempts. There is evidence that trauma, particularly brought on by sexual abuse in childhood and veterans that have seen combat, does “increase the risk of suicidal thoughts,” according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affair. “In this research, combat trauma survivors who were wounded more than once or put in the hospital for a wound had the highest suicide risk.” Veterans can carry the weight of combat long after they’ve returned home from war. The guilt often leads to suicidal ideations. More studies continue to explain that those with PTSI, or PTSD, have higher suicide ideations or attempts – Partly, due to the lack of preventions or ability to express emotions in a safe environment. 

Treatment of suicidal ideations and attempts

Around five people die by suicide in one hour in the United States, that’s one person every 11 minutes, and the number of those that thought about suicide is even higher, 12.1 million people seriously considered taking their life, and just over three million planned an attempt, and 1.2 million attempted taking their life. The emotional and physical impact of suicide or suicide attempt is astronomical on their loved ones. It can lead to post-traumatic stress injury, depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. Suicide and suicide attempts can also make a large impact financially. “In 2019, suicide and nonfatal self-harm cost the nation nearly $490 billion in medical costs, work loss costs, the value of statistical life, and quality of life costs,” the CDC reported last year.  

There are various modalities used to combat suicidal ideations. And though, there is no one size fits all approach to solving suicidal ideations, some of the most popular avenues are cognative behavioral therapies that reduce the ideations through patients actively working on coping mechanisms, Antidepressants, antipsychotic medications, anti-anxiety medications that can help reduce symptoms, and support from loved ones. 

New innovations

Over the last couple of decades, new treatments like the stellate ganglion block (SGB) and ketamine have given hope to many with suicidal ideations. SGB is an injection of local anesthetic into the stellate ganglion that helps restore normal biological function. Some evidence has shown that it can efficiently reduce symptoms of trauma, like hypervigilance, trouble sleeping, and anxiety, that can lead to suicidal ideations. 

One person that received SGB treatment by Stella said, “None of the memories have disappeared but I no longer feel them or relive them every second of every day. I was at a point where I couldn’t stop feeling suicidal, it was absolute torture to even imagine having to live another day stuck in my own head. I no longer feel suicidal.”

According to a study byThe BMJ, ketamine has a rapid relief effect on those suffering from depression and severe suicidal ideations. More patients involved in the study reached a full remission of suicidal thoughts within three days time compared to those with a placebo. Like SGB, ketamine is not a cure, but a big step forward on the path to recovery. 

How is Stella handling suicide prevention?

Stella’s number one priority is to help those in need suffering from certain mental heatlh conditions – Conditions that can often lead to symptoms like suicidal ideations or even attempts. The tireless advocates, care coordinators, and medical professionals work daily to ensure opportunities for healing like the stellate ganglion block and ketamine treatments are available to those in need. 

Like a lot of mental health companies, Stella has actively opened up a conversation about mental health, combating the stigmas surrounding those suffering. The more open people are, the more resources become available to those that may not know where to search. The Stella blog has opened up a dialogue about the signs and symptoms of trauma, depression, anxiety, and more. The Story of Our Trauma podcast offers insight from those experiencing similar situations, like Ron Self, a veteran affected by a suicide attempt. And our testimonial page has shared personal stories of successful solutions to those combating symptoms. 

What else is being done to prevent suicide and suicide attempts?

More than 90 percent of people who survive an attempted suicide never go on to die by suicide, according to the CDC. But 90 percent is still far too many people. Recent large-scale programs from the federal government have been initiated, like the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, to help with suicidal ideations that can lead to suicide attempts. 

The 988 Lifeline

The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline provides 24/7 suicide prevention counselors from over 160 centers in the United States. The Biden Administration increased federal funding from $24 million to $432 million to include resources for select groups of people like the ones mentioned in the previous section. It is available and open to anyone that is in emotional distress or facing suicidal ideations. 

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is a volunteer organization that has been around since 1987 and has remained a valuable resource for those looking for help with suicidal ideations. The organization actively funds research and education surrounding suicide, advocates for policies at a federal level, and supports those that have been impacted by the suicide of a loved one. 

Suicide remains a leading cause of death in this country, but with awareness and active dialogue, we can lower the number of those with ideations, plans and those that take their own life. The resources are available, and if you or a loved one is suffering from suicidal ideations, please connect with the 988 Lifeline.


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Groundbreaking Clinical Study on SGB is in the Works

Groundbreaking Clinical Study on SGB is in the Works
By stella
19th Aug 2022

Our Beginning

Stella’s mission from day one is to alleviate symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with innovative solutions like the Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB). We’ve helped and will continue to help, thousands of people find lasting relief from trauma symptoms of all kinds. As conversations around trauma continue to grow, so must SGB awareness.

A Big Jump Forward

Stella is excited to hear that a research study from NYU Langone Health will clinically test the efficacy of SGB on PTSD. This study aims to illustrate that SGB can efficiently reduce PTSD symptoms.

A Future of Healing

Studies like these help raise the much-needed awareness surrounding PTSD and usher in effective and innovative pathways to care. If you want to learn more or are interested in participating, please click below. 


post-traumatic stress disorder
Stellate Ganglion Block
clinical trail
brain scan
brain injury
Trauma Symptoms
Post-Traumatic Stress
Trauma Treatment
post-traumatic stress injury

Stella Continues To Expand

Stella Continues To Expand
By stella
01st Aug 2022

Stella is a team of medical doctors, psychologists, patient care coordinators, and tireless advocates who are on a mission to create a world where no person needlessly suffers from symptoms following trauma. 

To help meet our goals,  measured by lives changed, we must continue to grow, learn, adapt and expand.

Stella has treated over 5,000 people worldwide in the United States, Israel, and Australia. We’ve partnered with over 50+ providers to make SGB and Ketamine as accessible as possible to those in need and work with over 20+ non-profits to help fund care.

To expand our care, we must expand our team. Recently, Stella has made six key hires to help grow our services offerings, find ways to make treatments more affordable, and change more lives.

Meet some of the newest members who share in our mission to eradicate needless suffering:

Chairman of Board of Directors

“I first learned of procedures such as Stellate Ganglion Block through our veteran’s health care system and eventually when one of my own relatives received significant relief from Stella’s care.” Basu continued, “I hope to help Stella help make life better and healthier for the far too many human beings suffering emotional trauma.”

Dr. Pat Basu currently serves as President and Chief Executive Officer of Cancer Treatment Centers of America Global (CTCA) and is a highly-regarded business leader who has led organizations in the public, private, nonprofit, and government sectors. He has overseen organizations that collectively have delivered care or managed care for over 25 million Americans annually. These include serving as a leader at two large national healthcare providers, a Fortune 10 managed care organization, helping launch a major virtual health company, and leading investments in the health, technology, and services sectors.

Chief Executive Officer 

“Mental trauma is a global health crisis that most of us experience in our everyday lives leading to painful personal afflictions with large societal costs,” said Philippe Sanchez, CEO at Stella. “I’m very proud to join a pioneering company like Stella. Working closely with the largest network of SGB and trauma-informed mental health care providers in the US, we will deliver more breakthrough treatments for emotional trauma that will save lives, build stronger families and communities, and bring back hope to those who suffer from symptoms.”

As CEO, Sanchez will chart out Stella’s expansion and position the company as a leader in the mental health space by prioritizing the research of emotional traumas and its biological precision treatments. Sanchez is a seasoned Chief Executive and has served early-stage organizations in the healthcare, multi-unit retail, and technology sectors for the past 20+ years. His career spans several industries, and he has a track record of leading international global organizations, working with world-class brands such as Nike, Disney, Starbucks, and Getty Images.

People Manager

“Since joining Stella, I was immediately drawn to and inspired by each of our team members’ alignment with the company’s mission and values. I observe these values on a regular basis: leading with compassion, respect, trust, innovation, and results-oriented. I am thrilled to witness and be part of this fantastic organization focused on making a difference in each patient’s journey toward mental health and well-being.”

Veronica Noyola comes to us as a Human Resource leader with over 20 years of operational management experience and proven success coaching and motivating teams. She is passionate about building people organizations through culture, process, and systems that drive operational efficiencies. As a culture champion, Veronica works to create equitable environments where she effectively balances supporting the needs of employees with organizational objectives. 

Chief Product Officer

“I’m thrilled to join Stella.  Psychological trauma affects people and society profoundly, and I am grateful for the opportunity to put my experience and energy in service of so many people in need.”

Before Stella, David focused on building products (and companies) that empower people to improve their health and well-being. Most recently, he worked as a product consultant, helping health technology companies in sectors like digital therapeutics and physical therapy to define new products and improve patient adherence and service design. 

Before that, David worked on technology startups from idea stage to large scale and led new product initiatives at Intuit. He was the founding head of product at Limeade, an employee well-being company serving large organizations like Kindred Healthcare and the State of Washington. Earlier, he was on the founding team and led product at QuickBase, a workgroup collaboration tool acquired by Intuit.

Head of New Patient Acquisition

“I joined Stella because of the mission.  Trauma is something that is very close to me. I think it is amazing that this group, full of determination, has set out to conquer the enormous task of bringing a sense of hope and relief to those suffering.  I am grateful to be part of the experience.”

Tara comes to Stella with 25 years of customer and operational experience. She has served as Director of Operations for the American Academy of Dermatology, Director of Member Services at Periodontology, and Customer Service Manager at OrthoMolecular products. Through her involvement with these organizations, she has gained a true understanding of processes, systems, and the importance of cohesive planning as it pertains to the overall success of the organization. Her commitment to staff development through relationship building, supporting goals, and personal development have held her in the highest regard by her staff. 

Tara is a professional member of CXPA and a state Baldrige examiner. In her spare time, she enjoys time outdoors, cookouts with her kids, and reading.

Senior Product Manager

“If I had to sum up my experience with Stella so far, it would probably be “collaboration”. The company and all employees seem eager to view each other as humans with whole lives and experiences besides just work. We are actually encouraged to bring our whole selves here. It has been incredibly rewarding to work at a company that has such a grand goal of helping and also has a healthy work environment full of support. I am so happy to be a part of this company’s evolution and excited to be aiding from the technology side of the house.”

Elizabeth Gombosi began her career at UBS Investment Bank while enrolled in a work/study program in London. She worked within their change management department and operated within the financial space for years after. From Financial Planning to Credit Card Processing, she realized that the Product Management discipline was her passion but wanted to find a subject matter that matched. After moving into the healthcare data space, she came to the conclusion that not every area within Healthcare creates the same type of beneficial change for a patient. 

When hearing about Stella and their mission to aid in the healing of PTS and Trauma, it felt like the perfect blend. She is excited to join the team and to be a part of such meaningful work; with mental health as the cornerstone of human wellbeing. 

She lives in the Philadelphia area with her 3-year-old Black Lab mix and Fiance. Elizabeth loves to cook, hike, travel, and picks up random interests/hobbies every few months. 

Explore our open positions now and join us in our mission to eradicate the needless suffering caused by emotional trauma.


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